Level-Headed (Leader)

Leadership is not about authority and it is about responsibility and empowering others.

Level-Headed Leader is someone who responds to the situation and not the one who reacts to the situation. If you observe, there is difference between responding and reacting. Level-Headed nature lies within these two words difference. Any leader to be a great leader has to be level-headed.

Being level-headed is not that tough, it is just the approach any leader takes and how he implements. The words which are spoken by any leader being level headed should mean what he wanted to say instead of leaving for assumptions.

Level-Headed Leaders control their emotions and don’t react to situations, instead they will analyze the situation by taking a pause and understand the bigger picture of the situation and then respond how to tackle it.

Being calm and composed creates so much mental strength that, you can handle any situation and will come out with flying colors. The team always looks at their leader as a backbone and who will give a support from behind so that the team doesn’t fall back and always fall forward.

For all the aspiring Leaders, I would suggest to strongly look at being calm and composed to handle any situations. To achieve this, practice few of the following things which has helped me:

  •     Take a pause before responding on the situation
  •     Speak the words which matters the most and conveys the actual meaning
  •     Trust the capabilities of Team
  •     Trust the vision of your organization

Practice diligently these aspects again and again, you will become a level-headed Leader….

If you have any thoughts/comments, please feel free to share it and we will exchange information.


Will continue my blog journey in unleashing the other alphabets of the acronym – Leader

PS: Please note that all the points mentioned above are purely my thoughts based on my years of experiences and exposures….


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