Demanding Leader

Leadership is not an authority, but it is responsibility. Demanding Leadership is one of the Leadership styles which seems to be aggressive to achieve the desired results. Demanding Leaders work towards achieving the organizational goals with aggressive style and seems to be successful also.

Demanding Leaders order and dictates their followers to accomplish their tasks and to be successful always. The team which works under these types of Leaders will always be order takers and accomplishes the results without any innovative or proactive approach/thought process. Earlier days, this sort of Leadership style used to work effectively as the teams used to take orders and perform the tasks. Current times this sort of Leadership style might not be appropriate, as the work force has become more effective and innovative.

Considering the business needs and the rapid turnaround time expected, demanding leadership style is pretty much needed for many situations. Based on my experiences, I would recommend any leader to be an effective demanding leader by adopting the following strategy:
  • Leader need to primarily earn the trust of the team
  • Leader need to empower the team
  • Leader need to be transparent on the business expectations

Once Leader establishes the above traits, then based on the business needs he/she can demand the outcomes from the team more authoritatively and take appropriate strong decisions also to showcase the demanding nature for the business.

Sincere advice to aspiring Demanding leaders is to be patient with the work force in establishing the core principles and practice the above traits and then be demanding for the business needs.


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